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About Hunter

Hunter Scarbrough was a unique kid. He was 14 years old and 6’2". But that is not what set him apart. His kindness towards others was unparalleled. He had a fabulous smile that caused the recipient to smile back. He was deeply spiritual even from a young age and shared his faith in his own way through Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He never learned to say “No.” He was always the first person those around him turned to for help, encouragement or support. He never refused. And he didn’t have to be asked before offering help.


The week before Hunter passed away he noticed a fellow student at Madras Middle School whose coat was clearly too tight. Hunter didn’t point him out and laugh. He said, “It looks like your coat is a little too small.” The boy told Hunter it was the only coat he had. Hunter didn’t ask someone else to help. He slipped off his book bag, peeled off his sweatshirt and gave it to the boy. When students returned to school after the Thanksgiving break one of Hunter's friends noticed the boy was wearing Hunter’s sweatshirt and asked how he got it. The boy revealed the act of kindness Hunter had not bothered to share with anyone else. Hunter’s action was a reflection of First Corinthians 13:4 who reminds us that “… love does not envy, it does not boast…”


Daryle L. Smith, who works with middle and high school students through the Fellowship of Christian Athletes was a mentor and friend of Hunter’s. He recalls the time a young girl came to him in tears because her brother was sick. Hunter was there and immediately began to pray with his classmate.


On another occasion, Daryle passed out NBA notebooks to the student athletes at Madras. A girl asked if he had more, but he didn't. Hunter gave her his notebook. Smith said Hunter’s acts of kindness to his classmates are too numerous to mention, adding that Hunter will always be remembered for “his character, his love for his classmates, but most of all for sharing his faith in God and Jesus Christ.”


Over the summer of 2016 Hunter worked as a counselor to younger kids at Camp High Harbour. His lead counselor, Julianne Domnauer, remembers Hunter as “the kid in the cabin that all the girls swooned over and all the boys bowed down to.” She said Hunter didn't seem to notice. “The best part about it was that Hunter had no idea the kind of effect he was having on other kids in the cabin,“ she said. “He was a natural leader, the kind that received respect without ever once demanding it.”


Julianne remembers Hunter being swamped by a group of younger boys begging “Counselor Hunter” to bob them on the giant float in the lake even though he had spent all his free time the day before doing the same thing. He said, “Sure.”


She recalls young girls coming up to her at dinner and asking where Hunter was so they could invite him to the camp dance.


Julianne Domnauer described Hunter as a “Servant leader, a fierce friend and a warrior for God.” She says, “He inspired me to not only be a better counselor but a better person. I am in awe of the way he lived out his faith and hope to do the same in my life.”


Hunter Scarbrough’s light always shined brightest when he turned it on others. We believe that through the Hunter Scarbrough Foundation, others will be encouraged and inspired to do the same.

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